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Prof. George SamarasCoordinator Email: cssamara@cs.ucy.ac.cy Dr. George Samaras is a Professor at the Department of Computer Science, University of Cyprus and has also served as the department's Chairman during the period of 2008 - 2010. He received a PhD and M.Sc. in computer science from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, USA, in 1989 and 1985 respectively. He obtained his B.Sc. degree in Mathematics at the University of Athens, Greece (1982). He was previously at IBM Research Triangle Park, USA and taught at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (adjunct Assistant Professor, 1990-93). He served as the lead architect of IBM's distributed commit architecture (1990-94) and co-authored the final publication of the architecture (IBM Book, SC31-8134-00, September 1994). He also served on IBM's internal international standards committees for issues related to distributed transaction processing (OSI/TP, XOPEN, OMG). |
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Dr. Panagiotis Germanakos Email: pgerman@cs.ucy.ac.cy Dr. Panagiotis Germanakos was born on 19 September 1974 in Athens, Hellas. He is currently a Research Scientist in the Department of Computer Science, University of Cyprus and the Deputy Head of the Semantic and Cognitive Research Adaptivity Technologies (SCRAT) research group of the Department of Computer Science, University of Cyprus (since 2003) and in the Laboratory of New Technologies of the Faculty of Communication & Media Studies, National & Kapodistrian University of Athens (since 2004). He obtained his PhD from the University of Athens in 2008 and his MSc in International Marketing Management from the Leeds University Business School in 1999. His B.Sc. was in Computer Science and also holds a HND Diploma of Technician Engineer in the field of Computer Studies. His research interest is in Web Adaptation and Personalization Environments and Systems based on user profiling encompassing amongst others visual, cognitive and emotional processes, implemented on desktop and mobile / wireless platforms. |
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Marios BelkEmail: belk@cs.ucy.ac.cy Marios Belk, born in Heidelberg, Germany (1985). Received a B.Sc. and M.Sc. in Computer Science from the University of Cyprus (2007) and (2009) respectively, and currently a Ph.D. candidate in Human Computer Interaction. Speaks fluently Greek (Native), German (Native) and English (Proficiency). His Ph.D. thesis is focused in the area of human computer interaction, adaptive interactive systems, user modeling and usable security. Marios has professional and research experience (2006-current) in the areas of software and user interface design, development and evaluation of Web-based interactive systems. |
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Dr. George SpanoudisEmail: spanoud@ucy.ac.cy Dr. George Ch. Spanoudis is an Assistant Professor of Psychology in the Department of Psychology at the University of Cyprus, Cyprus. His research interests include cognitive development, intelligence, and language disorders. In particular, he is researching the interaction between basic cognitive mechanisms and higher cognitive abilities, and developmental language disorders with emphasis on the interplay between cognition and atypical language development. He is currently investigating age-related changes in intelligence and language learning disorders using behavioural and event-related potential techniques. He also works on the application of statistical models in psychological data and is particularly interested in structural equation modeling and multivariate data analysis. |
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Dr. Panayiotis AndreouEmail: panic@cs.ucy.ac.cy Dr. Panayiotis Andreou is currently a Visiting Lecturer at the Department of Computer Science of the University of Cyprus. He was also a post-doctoral researcher at IDMind, Lisbon, Portugal in 04-08/2012 and at the Department of Computer Science at the University of Cyprus 2011-12. His main research interests include Data Management in Networks and Systems, Distributed and Parallel Algorithms for Energy-efficient Query Processing, Data Replication and Fault Tolerance, eHealth and ICT-services. He has a long term participation in research projects funded from national and international organizations, including the European Union and the Cyprus Research Foundation (RPF). |
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Argyris ConstantinidesEmail: argyris.co@gmail.com Argyris Constantinides is pursuing the BSc in Computer Science at University of Cyprus. His research interests revolve around Adaptive and Personalized Environments and Systems. Argyris is an active and social person. During his spare time he attends technology events and conferences as well as tries to be up-to-date in any technology aspect. Apart from that, he likes socializing, meeting new people and going out with friends. |
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Andreas HadjidemetrisEmail: hadjidemetris@gmail.com Andreas Hadjidemetris, born in Nicosia, Cyprus (1990). Currently, a BSc sudent in Computer Science at the University of Cyprus. He wants to continue his studies in the United States to extend his knowledge and to acquire M.Sc. and a Ph.D. His interests lie in the area of human computer interaction and systems based on user profiling. |
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Dr. Constantinos MourlasEmail: mourlas@media.uoa.gr Costas Mourlas is Assistant Professor in the Department of Communication and Media Studies, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens (Greece) since 2002. He graduated from the University of Crete in 1988 with a Diploma in Computer Science and obtained his PhD from the Department of Informatics, University of Athens in 1995. Dr. C. Mourlas joined the Department of Computer Science of the University of Cyprus in 1997 as a visiting Assistant Professor and as Lecturer at the same Department from 1999 till 2002. In 1998 was an ERCIM fellow for post-doctoral studies through research. |
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Dr. Stavros AsimakopoulosEmail: sasimako@media.uoa.gr Dr. Stavros Asimakopoulos is Research Scientist at the New Technologies Lab, Department of Communication & Media Studies of the University of Athens. He has over 10 years of experience in human-computer interaction (HCI), user research and user experience (UX) design. In addition to conducting advanced research on topics including decision support, personalization, emotion and mobile advertising, Stavros has worked with various Blue Chip clients on the effective use of data visualization and complex web application UX strategy in business forecasting systems. Stavros is an active member of the British Human-Computer Interaction group, and regularly presents his work at the International Symposium on Forecasting. |
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Zacharias LekkasEmail: zlekkas@gmail.com Zacharias Lekkas is a PhD candidate and Research Associate at the Department of Communication and Media Studies of University of Athens. He holds a BA in Philosophy and Psychology from the University of Athens and a PGDip in Psychology and Msc in Occupational Psychology from the University of Nottingham. He is interested in the role of emotions in web-based educational systems, and has conducted empirical research on the effect of human factors such as anxiety, emotional moderation, emotional intelligence, self efficacy etc. Additionally, his research interests include the field of decision making support in Adaptive Hypermedia and the design of personalized training systems. His work has been published in conferences, journals and edited books, whilst he is one of the awarded authors (best student paper award) at the Adaptive Hypermedia 2008 conference. |
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Dr. Eleni ChristodoulouEmail: cseleni@citard-serv.com Dr. Eleni Christodoulou received an M.Sc. and Ph.D. in Medical Informatics from the Technical University of Munich (1989). She has over 20 years working experience in the IT business (including Siemens and Digital Equipment GmBH, in Germany) and academia sector in the eHealth and AAL sectors. She was involved in over 20 internationally and nationally funded projects and studies. Her main research interests include: eHealth, Ambient Assisted Living, Mobile & Wireless Computing, social care community models. |